Friday 19 August 2011

First Blog Ever!! Diamond Micordermabrasion

So, my first blog! I'm excited!

I'm almost 26 and I have had problem skin since my early teens. I've tried various so called 'miracle' creams, lotions, peels and masks and to be honest not many things have had and huge effect on it. I might add more reviews of products I've tried later.
I've always wanted to try Microdermabrasion and recently I've read a lot about the various types and how they work. Generally microdermabraion is basically a sandblasting process for your face. During the procedure they blast your skin with medical grade crystals and then hoover off the crystals and skin cells and general gross debris that comes off with it! This process can be a bit dodgy because if the crystals are loose and can cause damage if they get into the eyes, nostrils or mouth.
Diamond microdermabrasion on the other hand uses a handpiece with a rotating block inside covered in diamond crystals. (think of an electric nail file with the rotating bit at the end). The hand piece also has a vacuum system to hoover up the dead gunk that comes off your face! So on the whole if done properly Diamond Microdermabrasion seems to me to be the safer option! 

It does tend to be an expensive process, and you do require multiple sessions to see results. Im hoping it will refine my pores, help keep my skin clear and remove blemish scarring.

I got a fantastic bargain on Groupon getting 3 sessions for £42 in Glasgow. Normally one sitting is £40!!

So the process!!
Firstly, like any facial, I was given a relaxing double cleanse. The likeness to a relaxing facial ends there!! Next the therapist stretched out areas of skin on the face and neck and passes the handpiece over it. This is done between 2 and 4 times depending on how congested your pores are! I won't lie, Its not pleasant, it's scratchy at most but not painful. After this the therapist applied a cooling mask to the treated area, this WAS heavenly!! Then the mask was cleansed off and an SPF cream was applied. (Skin is more sensitive to the sun after this treatment.) I was advised to apply no make up for 2 hours after (The Horror!!!) After the treatment my skin felt squeaky clean. Since I have noticed an improvement in the general tone and texture of my skin. I'm hoping that after my 3rd treatment my skin will be improved. Its advised to have 3 treatments on a weekly basis then follow with monthly maintenance. No pics currently but I have my next treatment next week and I'll keep you posted!

Have also just subscribed to Boudoir Prive and Glossy Box so will be posting reviews of the goodies I get from there!!

Like I've said I'm a product junkie and plan to review my E.L.F haul when it arrives and my day to day products! Hope you enjoy!!

Over and out peeps

Jolly x

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